In this era of advanced dissected microlearning, there is a growing need to take a perspective that gives a holistic approach of learning that would be beneficial to both the students and the patients. The Department of General Pathology, conducted its CDE on 22.02.2019 (Friday) at Saveetha Dental College, SSM Seminar Hall. The Chief Guest of the day was Dr. J.Thanka, Professor, Department of Pathology, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Medical Education and health Science. Dr.Thanka gave an insight into the advantages of an integrated teaching Curriculum. The Resource persons of the Day were Dr. Sai Shalini M.D, Associate Professor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Medical Education and Health Science. Dr.Pratibha Ramani, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology, Saveetha Dental College and hospitals. Dr. Senthilnathan, Professor, Department of Oral and maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College and hospitals, Dr. Abhinav, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College and hospitals.
The aim of the teaching module was to provide an integrated learning approach to Oral Squamous Cell carcinoma. The sessions covered include Applied Anatomy and Etiology of OSCC, Carcinogenesis, Clinical approach to OSCC, Histopathological aspects of OSCC, Treatment and Prognosis of OSCC.
The sessions were well received and appreciated by the participants, as it gave a holistic view of the disease process from its applied anatomy to the treatment modalities. The session had 160 delegates from within and outside the college. The participants belonged to II BDS, III BDS, interns and Postgraduates. The session was awarded with 3 CDE points by the Dental Council of India.
EDIFY 2018 , OCTOBER 18, 2018
The edify on Innovations in Curriculum was presented on 18th October 2018. The session highlighted the innovations in the UG curriculum with numerous activities and use of ‘Brushes App’ in the learning of histopathological slides. The incorporation of exercises like Lab report interpretation, dipstick method of Urine examination that are more patient centric and have clinical relevance. The innovations in the practical methodology was well received and appreciated by the External Examiners as well as the students. There was an overall increase in the academic performance of the students after these innovations.
EDIFY 2017
Dr.M.P.Brundha presented a video on ‘Hallmarks of Cancer’ which was prepared by using line drawings with Brushes app.
An Insight into Breast Cancer", on awareness on breast cancer was conducted on February 15, 2017. It was the first CDE for our Department organised by Dr. M. P. Brundha. It was conducted as an awareness campaign for the benefit of dental surgeons and dental students. We had 130 registrations including other institutions. The program was inaugurated by our honourable Director of Academics, Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy and our Dean Dr N.D.Jayakumar with the invited Chief Guest, Dr. R. Vijayalakshmi, Research scientist and Preventive Oncologist Adyar cancer institute, Chennai. The scientific session was started with the first speaker, Surgical Oncologist Dr. A. C. Senthil Kumar, Saveetha medical College and Hospitals, who spoke on Highlights of Breast cancer. This was followed by Dr. Rajeskar. N, Radiation Oncologist, Dr Rai CBCC, Chennai, spoke on Conundrum behind Breast cancer Radiotherapy. Our last speaker was Dr. A. J. Hemamalini, the clinical nutritionist, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, spoke on Dietary aspects of cancer before and under treatment. The CDE was concluded by felicitation of the resource persons with saplings and certificates and certificate distribution to all delegates.
EDIFY 2016 , DECEMBER 22, 2016
The 3rd Edify meet of our Department of General Pathology was held on 22.12.16.
Dr.M.P.Brundha got workaholic award.
We presented a video of our department activities with our research works and achievements.
We showed two innovative teaching videos on Amyloidosis and Megaloblastic aneamia created by using Brushes application and 3D animation respectively.
Followed by we presented our achievements in academics, about the module exams and the completion of whole iBook comprised of 9 chapters along with 75 keynote videos.
We gladly expressed our research activities and highlighted the current research activities which include75 projects.