SIMATS: Driving Indian Academia to New Heights!
We are thrilled to share that Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS) has been recognized for its remarkable contributions to higher education and research, achieving global acclaim as highlighted in The Hindu's Education Plus feature!
Recent publication by Dr. Vivekanandhan sir, titled “Bottom‐Up Effects of Various Plant Growth Promoting Treatments on Fitness Parameters of Hippodamia variegata”
Insignia 2024 !! What a show!!
SIMATS has secured an impressive 8 th position in the SCImago Ranking 2024 ( Dental subject) among 839 universities across the globe reaffirming its commitment to excellence in research and innovation. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our well-wishers and supporters for being with us and making this possible.
Congrats to Ummu Zuvariya for the publication in Cureus with an impact factor of 1.2
A note worthy paper by our faculty Dr. Vivekanandhan Sir !! Congrats sir.
Congrats on the latest publication Dr. Monal !! 😍🥳
Dr. Sivakumar from the Department of Pathology has made an impact factor publication with an IF of 8.3 in Chemosphere !!
Dr. Monal's successful seminar and trip to the University of Peradeniya !!! 😍
A webinar on “Innovative Idea in Diagnosis of Systemic Pathology” by Dr. Sunderesh Kamal Chander. U.
Guest lecture by Dr. Shamugapriya on the topic 'Dental Facet of Tamil Traditional Medicine in Research'
"Brushing Smiles to a New Level: Our latest patent publication of our patent unveils a dental brush that effortlessly delivers fresh dentifrice with every stroke. Discover the future of oral care!"
Latest publication by Dr. Monal Yuwanti!!! 🤩
"Unlocking Boundless Learning Possibilities with our Smart TV Board 📺🧠✨
Dr. Monal Yuwanati was the co-author in a publication from Cureus with an IF: 1.2!!!
Dr. P. Vivekanandhan was awarded Outstanding Researcher of the Year in the Global Outreach Healthcare Awards 2023 !!! 🔥
We won the best department in the weekly HOD meeting !!! 😍
Dr. Vivekanandhan has published an article titled “Biocontrol effect of entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae ethyl acetate-derived chemical molecules: An eco-friendly anti-malarial drug and insecticide” in the journal "Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology".
We won the best department based on the Q1 publication in a WOS journal !!! 😍
Dr. Monal Yuwanati has contributed a chapter to the book titled “ Antimicrobial Photodynamic: Therapy Concepts and Applications”
Dr. Priyadharshini contributed a chapter to the book titled “ Secondary Metabolites from Medicinal Plants”
Dr. Priyadharshini and Dr. Monal successfully published their patent regarding a specialized design of slides for the analysis of cultured cells !! 🔥🔥
Dr. Monal Yuwanati was awarded for his contribution to academics in the field of Oral Pathology over the years. His way of teaching oral pathology helped students learn and apply the subject in their practice.
Patent Published on Aloe-Vinegar Gel
Dr. Palati Sinduja was awarded Second place at Saveetha's very own SHARK TANK !!! 🔥
Dr. Palati Sinduja has published an article titled “Recommending adequate training for community health care workers to limit monkeypox
transmission in India” in the journal “Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease” with an impact factor of 20.441
Dr. Monal Yuwanati has published an article titled “Perspective on the risk of suicide associated with oral cancer diagnosis” in the journal “Future Oncology” with an impact factor of 3.674
Dr. Palati Sinduja won the Most Popular Faculty award for the Subject of Pathology in “Insignia 2022”; at the Oscars of Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals.
Congratulations !!!!! To everyone who has worked for this amazing feat!!!!! Times World Ranking 2023, 6th position among all institutions in India, 3rd position among all private universities!!!!!!
Dr. Monal published Scientific paper titled "Telomerase reverse transcriptase mutation: A risk predictor and drug target for oral squamous cell carcinoma and its precursors" in High impact international Journal.
Publication from Pink Lab for September 2022
Global Woman Inspiration award 2022
Dr. Palati Sinduja, Senior Lecturer of Oral Pathology, received the Global Woman Inspiration award from ICAN FOUNDATION as a part of their initiative for recognizing the invincible potential of women Changemakers.
Research Excellence Award 2022
Dr. Monal Yuwanati, Professor of Oral Pathology, received Research excellence award 2022 from Institute of Scholars for his work on prevalence of Oral submucous fibrosis in areca nut chewers.
Understanding the prevalence of OSMF might aid in the reduction of OSMF related oral cancer
“Published Scientific paper titled "Prevalence of oral submucous fibrosis among areca nut chewers: systematic review and meta-analysis" in High impact international Journal.
According to the paper "Understanding the prevalence of OSMF might aid in the reduction of OSMF related oral cancer”.
QS World Ranking 2022
QS World Rank
SIMATS secured 18th Rank in QS World Ranking in 2022
Weekly pathological appearance is an Innovative technique in various pathological appearance in a simple and easier to understand method. Will be available in social platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
ICMR- National Institute of Epidemiology Certification Course
Dr. Sinduja has successfully completed a course with an 81% score on “Scientific Writing in Health Research” in SWAYAM Courses conducted by ICMR and National Institute of Epidemiology.
Highest Academic score
The Department of Pathology received an award and trophy at Insignia 2019 for Highest Academic score in the academic year 2018-19.
Highest Academic score
Awarded for the Highest academic score for the 2016-17 academic year. (Dr. M. P. Brundha is receiving the award from the Respected Chancellor). Also, the department received UNIVERSITY RANK 8 among all the departments of all the institutions under Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS).